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Hi, I'm Tomas Martinez

Web Developer and Programming Teacher. From Argentina.


  1. Programming and Web Development Teacher

    Instructed Python and Django to facilitate dynamic web application development with a focus on SQL databases. Emphasized hands-on learning and project-based assignments to enhance practical skills. Monitored student progress and provided constructive feedback for continuous improvement.

  2. Administration and Assistant Accountant

    Managed Human Resources functions, overseeing tasks related to personnel management. Maintained accounting and financial information systems, ensuring accuracy and compliance with industry standards. Administered cost systems and contributed to efficient financial operations. Handled database administration responsibilities to support organizational data management.

  3. Programming Tutor

    Offered student support and guidance by creating a conducive environment for addressing technical inquiries. Provided assistance in navigating and understanding relevant information and documentation to enhance learning. Advised students on effective strategies for researching and accessing valuable resources in the field of programming.

  4. Project Manager

    Led project planning and management efforts, ensuring timely and successful project delivery. Organized and coordinated project teams, optimizing collaboration and productivity. Effectively communicated with clients, ensuring their expectations were met and concerns addressed. Proficient in utilizing various project management tools to streamline workflows and enhance overall project efficiency.


Projects 1

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  • Django
  • Python
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